中文名称 : 低范围RNA Ladder
英文名称 : RiboRuler Low range RNA Ladder
产品规格 : 100~1000
级 别 :BR
分子量范围 :100~1000
产品描述 :The RiboRuler Low range RNA Ladder is a mixture of seven chromatography-purified single-stranded RNA transcripts.The RNA concentration of each ladder band is precisely measured by spectrophotometry,which makes this ladder ideal for approximate RNA quantification on gels.The RiboRulerTM Low range RNA Ladder is recommended for electrophoresis in the following:native 2% agarose with TAE buffer,denaturing formaldehyde agarose with MOPS buffer,denaturing glyoxal/DMSO agarose with sodium phosphate buffer and denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in TBE buffer
The ladder is supplied with 2×RNA Loading Dye solution
Fragments(in bases):1000,800,600,400,300,200,100
性 状 :液体
用 途 :生化研究
保 存 :-20°C
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